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“We are currently using the Robinson material. [ClassicalFree’s Great Books program] goes well with it and is more in-depth. Your program will bring some consistency to what he’s reading in Robinson.” Patricia Salas Home School Mom
“Everybody I’ve talked to is thrilled with this. The classes you are offering are just incredible.” Kelly Gall Home School Mom
Thank God ClassicalFree Virtual Academy has given the church a solid Christian alternative to the secular public education curriculum. Students completing this curriculum will run circles around their secular peers as well as outperform many public education teachers. This curriculum does a great job of exceeding state teaching standards while being built on a solid…
Every once in a while, someone provides a service to the Christian community which, if utilized, promises to be one of those few invaluable experiences that help determine the character of our lives. The ClassicalFree Virtual Academy is such a service for parents who understand the incredible significance of a child’s education. The goal of…
Nothing– may I say that again?– nothing is more important in the battle for our covenant future than faithful covenant education. And no recent tool has held more potential than the Internet to help an increasingly scattered people of God fulfill their education mandate. The potential of Classical Free Virtual Academy is enormous. Get on…
Every Christian parent should examine this new offering. The opportunities for a solid grounding in the Christian Worldview are unlimited. Theologically, ClassicalFree Academy is solidly and uncompromisingly grounded in the historic Reformation, with no trace of the deadly Enlightenment and egalitarian influences which affect so many otherwise excellent offerings. Raymond Joseph Pastor (RPC)
Woods does a fine job of introducing the modern Christian reader to some of the complex issues which lead to our current political and cultural impasse. Contrary to the received opinion, our problem did not begin in the sixties, unless you mean the 1760s. Woods has written a very fine introduction to biblical thinking on…
“What an exciting project! We are grateful for all your work and input. This looks so good! This is what we have been praying for for these grades. I would like to know how I can help you develop this project.” Christine Field Homeschool mom, Author of homeschooling books, and former attorney.
“Nobody else summarizes the Biblical perspective on the classics like Keys to the Classics — it is short and right to the point. It’s nice to know that you’ve picked out what is important so I don’t have to read so much. The analysis is very good with the focus on what the Bible says…