Latin 101: Intro to Latin Grammar

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

Latin 101

Instructor:  Vegas Harmon 
Phone:  971-285-0056

Course Description

Latin 101 is the first semester of a full-year course in
Latin. It uses the Picta Dicta Latin Primer series as a foundation. Latin
Primer comes with readings, workbook exercises, video lessons, and interactive
exercises on an app. The diverse and immersive approach is designed to instill
a love of the Latin language in students. In the first semester, students will
work through volume I of this series. Volume I covers close to 200 words, an
overview of the five major noun cases, the endings for 1st and 2nd declensions,
and 3rd-person verbs in the four conjugations.

The class will meet twice a week for an hour-long video
meeting. During class time, students will discuss the exercises and examples
they have done in their workbooks with the instructor, and receive real-time
feedback. A system of tight feedback-loops leads to true improvement and
acquisition of skills. Students should not worry about getting everything
right. Rather, they should show their mistakes and incorporate the instructor’s
feedback. Specific examples from the workbooks or topics from the video lessons
may be used as talking points. Students will be encouraged to interact with
each other and the instructor when discussing.

Premium Level: 
For an additional $160 students will receive more rigorous training in
the Latin language. Students who take this route will get a 30-minute
one-on-one video meeting with the instructor each week. During these meetings,
students will engage in oral composition exercises in Latin. This is a chance
to get direct and personalized feedback. If the student wants more of a
challenge still, there are options for additional material. Please contact the
instructor for more information. At the end of the semester, there is an oral
examination with the instructor over the material in the advanced route.

  • Tuition:      $275 Premier  
  • Grade:        8th
  • Mode:        Instructor 
  • Offered:     Fall     
  • Textbook:  Picta-Dicta access lease   


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March 2025