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THE MODERN WORLD: Age of Romanticism – 1800s

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Most will exchange freedom for the security of knowing where their next meal is coming from

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Christ “emptied Himself” & veiled His divine attributes, but did not surrender them or His power.

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The doctrine of kenosis was misapplied to mean extreme submission to tyrannical power.

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The Industrial Revolution came early to Russia, paving the way for fulfillment of Romantic ideals.

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If there is no God there is no law or crime & social harmony prevails with everything permitted

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With Nihilism essence precedes existence to fulfill its own unique destiny.

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Notes from Underground allegorizes the vision of collectivist empathy meeting the needs of all

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The great offense of Christianity is its challenge to the state as god on earth, filling all desires

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In the legend of the Grand Inquisitor, Christ is arrested by His own church.

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Dostoevsky’s works dramatize the lethal implications of various 19th Century philosophies

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Biblical slavery is a 7-year program of training in responsibility for adult children

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Prisons are a far more effective way to deal with crime than the system of household slavery

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God condemned the slave trading of the North, but not the slave owning of the South.

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Discrimination against blacks was strongest in states where slavery had never been known

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Slavery is a hideous moral evil, equivalent in magnitude to the crime of abortion or murder.

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Dabney believed God allowed the North to win because of the righteousness of their cause

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Though the slave trade was abolished in 1807, it continued illegally in the North until 1861.

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The capture of Harvard by Unitarians in 1805 signaled the end of Puritan New England

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The original 13th Amendment legalized slavery, the replacement abolished it.

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Testimonies from the 40-volume Slave Narratives confirmed widespread atrocities.

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Only a narcissistic power-grab would limit voting rights to a tiny percentage of the wealthy

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The emotional power of the novel prevailed over the logical prose of Bastiat

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Bastiat illustrated and popularized the more complex work of Adam Smith

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The great crime is perverting the law to attack the life & property it is meant to defend

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Under the Constitutional monarchy of Louis XVIII only church members could vote.

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Industrialists and socialists clashed because each tried to use law for their own benefit.

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Bastiat differs from Adam Smith by including harmony of interests in his economic theory.

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Bastiat rests his trenchant economic analysis squarely on the Bible.

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The most important function of the law is to ensure that no one goes hungry

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No country than France more concerned with rights, and none more torn by Revolution.

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Hegel and Goethe were disciples of Thoreau and Emerson

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Armenianism exalts the free will of man above the sovereignty of God.

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Tocqueville failed to detect the underlying currents sweeping America toward civil war.

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The fatal flaw in Democracy is the tendency of the majority to trample the rights of the minority.

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Tocqueville was concerned that Americans would emphasize freedom at the expense of equality

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The American proclivity for private associations to meet every need fascinated Tocqueville,

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Tocqueville said the greatness of America lay in her fertile fields, mines & vast world commerce

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The cruelty inflicted on slaves throughout the Southern states horrified Tocqueville.

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In his 1831 visit Tocqueville noted the pernicious effect of the 1828 Tariff of Abominations

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The older Puritanism had been debased by Arminianism in the 2nd Great Awakening

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The Slave Narratives reveal that almost 90% of Southern slaves had “good masters

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Scott’s social mores nurtured a climate of inhumane cruelty toward Southern slaves

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The Coda Duella was a feature of Southern culture and a sharp departure from Biblical law

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Scott’s portrayal of Rebecca adheres to St John’s stance toward Jews who reject Christ

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Scott contrasted Protestant intolerance with Catholic absolution, for his contemporary readers

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A mantra of “progress” fueled the second Industrial Revolution

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The neo-Puritan values of the South clashed with the Unitarian humanism of New England

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Ivanhoe seeks to unite the Saxon factions in Cedric’s party against the despised Normans.

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The soft glow of Enlightenment peace gave Scott adequate time to pursue his writing career

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Scott began his career in historical fiction, and turned to poetry later in life

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Nietzsche rejected the idea of God in every religion, Christian, Greek, Roman, Judaism

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The 20th Century was the bloodiest because the overman can only emerge in the crucible of war

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In terms of sheer numbers, the atrocities of Hitler were far more evil than those of Stalin.

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Evolution offers the illusion of scientific rationale for unbelief and thus, the death of God

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Nietzsche and Dostoevsky were in fundamental agreement regarding the death of God

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Nietzsche’s overman is the one by strength best able to protect the weak.

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Nihilism is the rejection of morality in the skeptical belief that nothing has real existence.

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G.W.F. Hegel is known as the philosopher of evolution

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Nietzsche was responsible for extending social applications of evolutionary doctrine

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The heart of Nietzsche’s philosophy is the strong have the right to dominate the weak.

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Lincoln’s favorite catch-phrase, “preserving the Union” was a euphemism for centralized power.

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Lincoln invented the myth that “the Union” had existed in perpetuity before the Constitution.

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The victory of Union Troops at Gettysburg struck a blow for self-determination of all Americans

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Lincoln favored shipping all the slaves back to Africa.

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The South had resisted Lincoln’s attempts to subvert the Constitution for years before the War

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The Emancipation Proclamation shows how Lincoln’s attitude to slavery changed during the War

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Lincoln was a proponent of big government and crony capitalism his entire political career

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Lincoln had been a champion of Negro freedom for years prior to the Civil War.

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Lincoln approved of an Amendment granting slavery to all states in his inaugural address

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As the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln is the greatest President in American history. (

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The populist movement of the late 18th Century sought socialist solutions for societal problems

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Mill believed the individual was free to act except where contrary to the general interest

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Mill believed happiness was qualitative, rather than the greatest good for the greatest number.

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Queen Victoria welcomed the Romantic reforms, including public education & feminism

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Biblically, the state should avoid regulating the economy, especially the banking industry.

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Mill’s social theory epitomizes the conflict between the one and the many

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Mill looked to the Bible to define the boundaries for acceptable state regulation.

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Mill represented a transition between Bentham’s Utilitarianism and Fabian Socialism

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Mill’s long career in Parliament coincided almost exactly with the reign of Queen Victoria

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Queen Victoria ruled with an iron fist in a velvet glove and little concern for her subjects.

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“Dickensian”, signifies a colorful variety in character and style in the context of grinding poverty

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Dickens’ distaste for government bureaucracy soured him on the growing public school movement

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Sacrificial love in the Tale of Two Cities suggests a Dickens surrendering to Christ in his later years.

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Penetrating insight on the life of the urban poor, convinced Dickens of the depravity of man

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Dickens promotes a spirit of universal brotherhood and private sector solutions to social problems

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Dickens prose flows out of a stable and mature, Biblical worldview.

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Dickens critical eye for social inequality led inevitably to his advocacy of the socialist solution

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The debtor’s prison system flowed from the Biblical requirement to “owe no man anything.”

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Bentham’s utilitarian legal system resulted in the exploitation of child labor

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The Second Industrial Revolution of the 1800s focused on rail, steel, and textiles

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If the mode of relationship is in truth, the individual is in truth, even if related to what is not true

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The Bible is the medium through which God witnesses to the truth in the soul of the believer

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Because of Kierkegaard, faith and the Bible have been marginalized as irrational and irrelevant.

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Although he rejected the secular, Kierkegaard is known as the father of religious existentialism

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Truth is relative because God is willing to modify His moral command to accommodate a situation

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Abraham’s offering of Isaac was a subjective response to an ambiguous, inner impression.

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The existentialist transcends moral absolutes, by a leap of faith in response to the relational Word.

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Kierkegaard’s Christian moral foundation neutralized the radical idealism of Hegel.

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The attack on absolutes by Kant, Hegel & Kierkegaard, led to national revolutions in the mid-1800s

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Kierkegaard proposed 3 phases of existence in Either/Or: the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious

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The Young Hegelians spent hours in Berlin coffee houses refuting the ideas of Marx

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Darwin took easy root in intellectual soil prepared by the plow of Hegel’s dialectic

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Hegel’s belief in The Great Social Mind was a corrective to Kierkegaard’s “relative truth.”

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According to Hegel, anything that challenges the conservative status quo is potentially useful.

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Hegel contributes the specifics on how the sovereignty of God operates in history

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History has shown repeatedly that governments are neutral players in the Hegelian dialectic

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Medieval thinkers such as Aquinas labored to create a unified field of knowledge

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The Hegelian universal mind was taken up in the Pantheism of Emerson and Thoreau.

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Fortunately, Hegel’s dialectic was restricted to Germany & suppressed by Hitler’s demise.

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Idealism is a philosophy in which reality is defined by some mental construct or idea

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