

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30


THE MODERN WORLD: Age of Scientific Revolution – 1600s

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James II attempted a counter-invasion, but was defeated at the Battle of the Boyne

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Upon arrival in Mexico City Cortez was amazed by the peaceful co-existence of the native tribes.

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Romans Chapter One tells us that the road to reprobation begins with ingratitude

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During Cromwell’s rule, many royalist Cavaliers of the Anglican faith fled to Virginia.

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Defoe employed his journalistic skills to renounce the unlawful rebellion against James II

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Defoe’s brilliant success in business funded his writing career later in life.

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God allows suffering to prove His people love Him independent of His blessings

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The novel reinforces Rousseau’s theory of the Noble Savage, untainted by modern civilization

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Robinson Crusoe was modeled after the parable of the prodigal son & his shipwrecked faith

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Defoe was raised a Presbyterian and remained true to the Reformed faith all his life

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The practice of paedo-communion is a wide-open door for hypocrisy in the church.

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Because a healthy state requires a healthy church, taxes must support Christian ministers.

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Jonathan Edwards carried Mather’s experiential approach into the Great Awakening.

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Mather’s slave, Onesimus, was a pioneer in the science of vaccine epidemiology

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Mather was the first American to be elected a member of Britain’s *Royal Society.

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Mather exposed his hypocrisy in condemning the slave trade yet owning a slave

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By 1700 the third generation of Puritans in America was well-established in the faith

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Mather saw Newton’s discoveries as proof of the existence of God.

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The Christian apologist’s task is to overwhelm the natural man with an abundance of evidence

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Civil participation based on property ownership rather than church membership was long overdue

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Winthrop envisioned the Boston Ecclesiocracy as “a shining city set on a hill.”

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True liberty is the freedom to obey the commandment of God

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Rhode Island was the only colony that rejected the covenant model of government

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In his Model of Charity sermon, Winthrop laid the foundation for American democracy

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After reforming the Church of England, the Puritans embarked for the New World.

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Winthrop insisted that liberty was the right of the individual to do whatever he wanted to do.

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Participation in civil government was at first restricted to covenanted church members

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Winthrop’s a-millennialism persuaded him of God’s indiscriminate blessing & curse in history.

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The U.S. Constitution is based on the covenant model of government set up by Winthrop.

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The Puritans sought to purify the Church of England from within

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