1 / 30
Plutarch wrote 100 biographies in all, 50 pairs based on life trajectory
2 / 30
Plutarch’s genial style painted paganism with a happy face.
3 / 30
In the midst of anarchy men will trade safety and security for the illusion of a little freedom.
4 / 30
The Great Tribulation of Jerusalem in 70 AD fulfilled Jesus’ prophecy of the Olivette discourse
5 / 30
Plutarch was a contemporary of the Emperor Vespasian
6 / 30
Uncritical acceptance of the pagan classics has been a dangerous snare to the church.
7 / 30
Plutarch hoped that his Lives would aid Christians in interpreting the Bible.
8 / 30
Plutarch sought to portray the superiority of Rome over the conquered Greek culture
9 / 30
Plutarch wanted to present pairs of Greek & Roman statesmen favorably, compared to Christianity.
10 / 30
Christian universities were careful to isolate curriculum from the influence of the pagan classics
11 / 30
Thankfully, Lucretius’ toxic theory remains “quarantined” within the realm of scientific investigation.
12 / 30
“In the beginning, God created” – the first 5 words of the Bible destroy the Epicurean premise. (
13 / 30
Following his rediscovery in a Catholic monastery, Protestants repudiated Lucretius
14 / 30
The greatest spiritual danger of Epicureanism is its negation of the doctrine of Hell
15 / 30
After careful consideration, Darwin rejected Lucretius
16 / 30
Subtle prose with informal fallacy is a more effective purveyor of heresy than subjective poetry.
17 / 30
Although Thomas Jefferson was a staunch Unitarian, he never fully embraced Epicureanism
18 / 30
The American Declaration of Independence is based on Epicureanism.
19 / 30
Lucretius is popular among modern Americans because he eliminates the fear of Hell.
20 / 30
Lucretius was like the 1st Century BC Public Relations agent for Epicureanism
21 / 30
Rome completed her conquest of the Grecian Empire with the defeat of Egypt in 31 BC.
22 / 30
Rome conquered Greece by the sword; Greece conquered Rome by the school.
23 / 30
In a Christian nation, church pastors are required to serve as legal advisors in the courts.
24 / 30
Polybius was a favorite of John Adams, among the founders of the U.S. Constitution
25 / 30
Biblical government requires a strict division of power between executive & judicial branches
26 / 30
The purpose of a mixed form of government is to give every class of society a chance to rule
27 / 30
Polybius believed, the 3 good forms of government are kingship, aristocracy and democracy
28 / 30
Rome conquered the world in an astonishingly short time period with its hostage strategy
29 / 30
18th Century, British Commonwealth Men based their political philosophy on ancient Greece
30 / 30
Under a Biblical commonwealth, authority to govern is based on property ownership.
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